
Niklas Stephenson

Niklas Stephenson

Hi, stranger 👋

I am Niklas, a product leader and founder from Denmark, but most importantly, a noob dad trying to learn how to make a tiny human into an incredible being.

I have a lengthy background in starting companies and growing them to a decently small size; my core focus always has been leading products in B2B focused SaaS areas.

In 8th grade, my friends loved going to LAN parties and gaming all night; I sucked at games but loved being with my friends, so I started to poke around the internet while my friends were headshotting each other. I ended up in Notepad, learning to write basic HTML. From there, it developed into an interest in design, and over the years, I started to take part in open source and do a bit of freelancing.

In 2009 I tried to buy a business phone system for my small freelance gig. The products I was offered by the telcos back then were all super old school, and before we knew it, my co-founder and I had started to build our first SaaS, a business phone system.

Since then, I have been madly in love with the dynamics of SaaS products; I love that you have to deliver value to retain customers continuously, and delivery mechanisms are super fun and fast.

Today I spend my time with the incredible team at Whimsical when I am not out sailing or tinkering with projects at home.